Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Few Delays...

So today was an interesting day,
first off cart should have arrived yesterday, hadn't. So I called the company that shipped it to me, and they sent it to Hamilton rather then Halifax. Not the Cart companies fault but the shipping company.
Okay 1 Delay.
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Then Supposed to meet with Rona Store Manager, he was away today emergency. and other managers were not in, so that's post-poned till tomorrow.
Okay 2 Delays.
The insurance company called and said they had forgotten to get me to sign a piece of paper, well that's one trip over to the Dark side humph :S
Okay Delay number 3.
After all this today wasn't an entire slow one, I did, work for a few hours, as well as get the hitch on the car for a ridiculously cheap price!! 20% off because it took forever(4 weeks) to arrive!!

So after all that today I'd say was a success!
...Just Going Nutz That's all! :)

Grand opening will no longer be May 23rd :S



1 comment:

  1. 3 delays in one day huh?! Welcome to the world of self employment (and business in general apparently)!!!

    Half the amount of success you will achieve in life results from how you deal with it. Or so I'm told...I can't say I know because I'm not at the "successful" stage. Yet. :)

