Tuesday, February 24, 2009

its a No Go, for Go Nutz

Well I called the Walmart DM, and he hadn't Received my proposal as of yet (3 weeks later) so I explained to him my idea, and he advised me to call the Head office of Wal-mart. He said that there may be a conflict of interest, with Mcdonalds.

SOOOO I called up Wal-mart Head office in Toronto where I was placed on hold to speak with Ross. I explained to HIM my idea and proposal and was quickly turned down as he said they have a licensing agreement with Mcdonalds and that they allow no other food services on the premises.
Another example of the giants not tossing a bone to the little guys.

but if thats there policy then thats there policy. I will move onto the next spot.
I'm going to attempt to Re open talks with Kent.

Go Nutz

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